Datacom Payroll Apps

Smart Timesheet 1
The Smart Timesheet mobile app is for enteringtimesheet data into Datacom’s Smart Timesheet system. Using SmartTimesheets you can capture your employees’ work records and thenuse this data for:- Payroll- Project costing- InvoicingDatacom’s Smart Timesheet system connects to the DataPay payrollsystem. It can easily be connected to your other systems via ourAPIs, or we can produce CSV files for importing into anothersystem.Datacom develops payroll software for Australian and New Zealandorganisations. Datacom’s payroll software is cloud based and iscontinually being improved. Every time an organisation logs in toDatacom’s system, they access the latest version.
MyEdgePayroll 1.11
MyEdgePayroll is a mobile application for employees oforganisations that use EdgePayroll to pay their staff. It providesemployees the ability to submit their hour worked, apply for leave,as well as view key payroll information such as their payslips,leave balances and when they are next going to be paid. Managersare given the ability manage leave requests and timesheetssubmitted by employees. EdgePayroll is a cloud based total payrollsolution used and trusted by thousands of New Zealand businesses.It is designed and developed by Datacom, the largest New Zealandowned Information Technology organisation and is constantly beingreviewed and updated with new features. For more information aboutEdgePayroll or Datacom visit BNZ MyEdgePayroll and BNZ EdgePayroll MobileApplications Terms and Conditions By installing, accessing and/orusing the BNZ MyEdgePayroll App you agree that you are bound bythese terms of use and Datacom's group privacy policy. Please readthese terms carefully before using the BNZ MyEdgePayroll App. Ifyou do not wish to accept the terms and/or privacy policy please donot use the BNZ MyEdgePayroll App. Customers who choose to downloadthe BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZ EdgePayroll Mobile Application arebound by the following terms: 1. We are offering you this app touse for your own personal use without cost, but you should be awarethat you cannot send it on to anyone else, and you’re not allowedto copy, or modify the app, any part of the app, or our trademarksin any way. 2. You’re not allowed to attempt to extract the sourcecode of the app, and you also shouldn’t try to translate BNZMyEdgePayroll or BNZ EdgePayroll Mobile Application into otherlanguages, or make derivative versions. 3. BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZEdgePayroll Mobile Application itself, and all the trade marks,copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rightsrelated to it, still belong to Datacom. 4. We reserve the right tomake changes to the BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZ EdgePayroll MobileApplication, at any time and for any reason. 5. Our service areonly available for current active BNZ EdgePayroll customers. 6.Internet connection is required to use the BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZEdgePayroll Mobile Application. Normal data charges apply. 7. Weuse specialised software on the BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZEdgePayroll Mobile Application to help us understand how the app isperforming. No personal information is used during this process.The type of information obtain is statistical such as the number ofclicks, pages visited, and downloads. 8. Usage of BNZ MyEdgePayrollor BNZ EdgePayroll Mobile Application is subject to the EdgePayrollterms and conditions.
My NetPay 1.12
MyNetPay is a mobile application for employees of organisationsthat use NetPay to pay their staff. It provides employees theability to submit their hour worked, apply for leave, as well asview key payroll information such as their payslips, leave balancesand when they are next going to be paid. Managers are given theability manage leave requests and timesheets submitted byemployees. NetPay is a cloud based total payroll solution used andtrusted by thousands of New Zealand businesses. It is designed anddeveloped by Datacom, the largest New Zealand owned InformationTechnology organisation and is constantly being reviewed andupdated with new features. For more information about NetPay orDatacom visit or
NetPay 1.8
NetPay Mobile is a mobile application for people who use NetPay topay their employees. Payroll administrators are given the abilityto add and review pay packets, and process and authorise pay runsfrom their phone. Users can also see when the next payroll is dueand the amount of money banked in recent runs. NetPay is a cloudbased total payroll solution used and trusted by thousands of NewZealand businesses. It is designed and developed by Datacom, thelargest New Zealand owned Information Technology organisation andis constantly being reviewed and updated with new features. Formore information about NetPay or Datacom visit
EdgePayroll 1.10
EdgePayroll Mobile is a mobile application for people who useEdgePayroll to pay their employees. Payroll administrators aregiven the ability to add and review pay packets, and process andauthorise pay runs from their phone. Users can also see when thenext payroll is due and the amount of money banked in recent runs.EdgePayroll is a cloud based total payroll solution used andtrusted by thousands of New Zealand businesses. It is designed anddeveloped by Datacom, the largest New Zealand owned InformationTechnology organisation and is constantly being reviewed andupdated with new features. For more information about EdgePayrollor Datacom visit or BNZMyEdgePayroll and BNZ EdgePayroll Mobile Applications Terms andConditions Customers who choose to download the BNZ MyEdgePayrollor BNZ EdgePayroll Mobile Application are bound by the followingterms: 1. We are offering you this app to use for your own personaluse without cost, but you should be aware that you cannot send iton to anyone else, and you’re not allowed to copy, or modify theapp, any part of the app, or our trademarks in any way. 2. You’renot allowed to attempt to extract the source code of the app, andyou also shouldn’t try to translate BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZEdgePayroll Mobile Application into other languages, or makederivative versions. 3. BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZ EdgePayroll MobileApplication itself, and all the trade marks, copyright, databaserights and other intellectual property rights related to it, stillbelong to Datacom. 4. We reserve the right to make changes to theBNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZ EdgePayroll Mobile Application, at anytime and for any reason. 5. Our service are only available forcurrent active BNZ EdgePayroll customers. 6. Internet connection isrequired to use the BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZ EdgePayroll MobileApplication. Normal data charges apply. 7. We use specialisedsoftware on the BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZ EdgePayroll MobileApplication to help us understand how the app is performing. Nopersonal information is used during this process. The type ofinformation obtain is statistical such as the number of clicks,pages visited, and downloads. 8. Usage of BNZ MyEdgePayroll or BNZEdgePayroll Mobile Application is subject to the EdgePayroll termsand conditions.
Datacom MyPay 4.1.25
The MyPay mobile app is a payroll application for employees.